Chyrsalis 2-3 yrs

Quality childcare for Toddlers 2-3 years

We offer full daycare and 15 hours free funding places for 2 year olds.  Your child will be guaranteed the 15 hours universal funding with us the term after their 3rd birthday, they can stay settled with us until they are ready for Reception class.

Children are allocated on a first come first served basis, we are a very popular nursery so please place a New Enquiry below as places are limited!

Chrysalis - 2 to 3 years

Our practitioners help our Chrysalis to learn the new skills they need to grow into a beautiful butterfly.  At the age of 2 years our children learn how to share, care and be patient plus lots more life skills.  Our children learn through play and experiences, we help them to develop to their highest potential.  Our unique 'key person approach' ensures that our children are allowed to grow in a caring and nurturing environment.   This year can be a very emotional period for them as they learn how to control their emotions.  
A day in the life of a Chrysalis
A child riding a bicycle

When I arrive at nursery

When I arrive I will be encouraged to find my picture, choose a peg for the day and hang up my coat and bag.  When all of my friends have arrived to I will join them to start the session, my key person will help me count the children to see who is in nursery today. I will talk about the weather and wait for my turn to talk about myself. I will sing our hello song with my friends and count how many children are there in nursery today.  

Rest times  

I can play outside whenever I want to, I can choose to be inside too.  Theres lots to do and lots to choose from which can be tiring, I may need to have a little rest in the cosy area so I will need my comforters just in case.


I am allowed to do things for myself, I can help my friends collect the snack trolley from the kitchen, cut my own fruit with the special knives designed for little hands.  If I need help doing things for myself like using the toilet, washing my hands, replacing things where they belong after I've finished, my key person is always there to support me. 

Circle time 

I sit with my friends and my key person to talk about how we feel, we talk about how to use kind hands and care for each other.  We share with each other if we've enjoyed ourselves and learn how what to do in difficult situations.
A child playing a guitar

Helping me to learn new things

When I am ready I am allowed to use the bathroom by myself, I have to ask first so that my key person knows where I am this helps to keep me safe.  Caterpillars staff are always there if I need some help, I can open the gates myself and close them behind me.  Until then, my keyperson will help me when I need it.  
Group time

Achievements and WOW moments

I can display work that I'm proud of to show you when you come to collect me, I can take my work home the same day too as my key person will take a photograph of it for parent zone.  I get lots of praise and encouragement for all of my efforts, I sometimes get a stamp on my hand or a sticker to show you.

Dressing for the weather

I can choose to play inside or outside whenever I want to.  Most of my friends love to play outside all day, nursery will provide me with an all weather suit, all I will need is some warm clothes and wellies but you will need to take these home as theres lots of pairs.  If it is sunny I will need suncream on and to bring a sun hat.

Lost property

I will need my name in all of my clothes so they don't get lost.  Many of my friends have the same clothes as me and sometimes when we are doing things for ourselves they can get mixed up.  There is a lost property shelf in the corridor which gets emptied on 15th of every month so please remember to rescue anything I've lost as these go in our clothes bank.
If you are looking for a well-established child care centre in Walsall, West Midland, call us on 
01922 497 136
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